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Amiga Formula One

Hall of Fame

how to submit hof records


When submitting laptimes, only the following layouts can be accepted:

HoF Qualifier

 TIME      ID  DATE     OPTS   [ F/R ]  F/R  [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
---------------------------------------------------------------- - - -
*1:23.456  XY  dd-mm-yy        [40/40]  10R  [24,32,40,48,56,64]


Country (Circuit Name):
*1:23.456  XY  dd-mm-yy        [40/40]  10R  [24,32,40,48,56,64]

To allow you to comply to this, you must use either the F1GP-RES v2.0 utility or the "Statistics" option in F1GP-Ed v3.3x. These can be found on the Amiga F1GP Web Site, or the game/misc directory of Aminet.

Please note that any records submitted without full set-up details and options will no longer be accepted for inclusion in the HoF. If there are any exceptional circumstances that prevent you from doing this, please let me know.


Times should be submitted to me, Alan Strang, at the following address:

To guarantee inclusion in next month's HoF, new records should reach me by the last day of this month. Any records received after this date will be retained for inclusion in the following month's HoF.

HTML HoF Converter by Oliver Roberts - Page generated: Thu Feb 04 15:11:45 1999